Content Managed Solutions.

All your content in a single place for every solution.

How we help you

Is all your content managed separately?

As business grow content gets managed in seperate places and keeping everything up to date can be a nightmare.

With a REYT content managed solution we create a single source of truth for your content, meaning one change of content is updated over all your solutions, website, mobile app and chatbot!

All our content managed solution comes with:

  • User-friendly interface for creating and editing content
  • Access to a content library with support for various content types (text, images, videos, etc.).
  • Rich text editor for content (WYSIWYG editor for easy content formatting.
  • User roles and permissions to control access and editing rights.
  • Content scheduling for future publication with URL generation
  • Draft and revision management, and Version control for content changes.
  • SEO-friendly URLs and Metadata management to help you rank higher on search engines
  • Role-based access control
Content Managed

Why this works.

This approach sets you up to scale. As you're business evolves and you demand new technology you can rest assured your content can stay in the same place and consistent across all channels.

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